WEBINAR #3: Mineral Supplimentation in Hawai'i
Pre-webinar evaluation, click here to answer the questions
Post-webinar evaluation, click here to answer the questions
Presentation Slides/Notes:
(click a listing to view the presentation materials)
RSP Example and Tools:
(click a listing to view the tools presented)
RISK SCENARIO PLANNING: Evaluating Mineral Supplementation for Hawaii Beef Production | CONVERSION to a Mineral Supplementation Program
RSP Tool PROBLEM KAUAI County: CONVERSION to a Mineral Supplementation Program, Kauai County
RSP Tool RESULTS KAUAI County: CONVERSION to a Mineral Supplementation Program, Kauai County
RSP Tool PROBLEM MAUI County: CONVERSION to a Mineral Supplementation Program, Maui County
RSP Tool RESULTS MAUI County: CONVERSION to a Mineral Supplementation Program, Maui County
RSP Tool PROBLEM HAWAII County: CONVERSION to a Mineral Supplementation Program, Hawaii County
RSP Tool RESULTS HAWAII County: CONVERSION to a Mineral Supplementation Program, Hawaii County
RISK SCENARIO PLANNING: Evaluating Mineral Supplementation for Hawaii Beef Production | CONVERSION to Individual Free-Choice Mineral Supplementation
RSP Tool PROBLEM KAUAI County: CONVERSION from Commercial Mineral Mix to Individual Free-Choice Mineral Supplementation, Kauai County
RSP Tool RESULTS KAUAI County: CONVERSION from Commercial Mineral Mix to Individual Free-Choice Mineral Supplementation, Kauai County
RSP Tool PROBLEM MAUI County: CONVERSION from Commercial Mineral Mix to Individual Free-Choice Mineral Supplementation, Maui County
RSP Tool RESULTS MAUI County: CONVERSION from Commercial Mineral Mix to Individual Free-Choice Mineral Supplementation, Maui County
RSP Tool PROBLEM HAWAII County: CONVERSION from Commercial Mineral Mix to Individual Free-Choice Mineral Supplementation, Hawaii County
RSP Tool RESULTS HAWAII County: CONVERSION from Commercial Mineral Mix to Individual Free-Choice Mineral Supplementation, Hawaii County
This material is based upon work that is supported by the National Institute of Food and Agriculture, U.S. Department of Agriculture, under award number 2018-38640-23779 through the Western Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education program under sub-award number SW16-023. USDA is an equal opportunity employer and service provider.
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MINERAL Supplimentation Webinars
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